Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 6, no. 14 (2019) Singh


Vol. 6, No. 14, p. 493-496 - Dec. 31, 2019


Estimating the enzyme specificity and glucose concentration of sugar solutions

Rishan Singh

The function of the human body are controlled by enzymes and hormones. Similarly, in the laboratory, the enzyme, glucose oxidase, is used to hydrolyse glucose. In the human body, glucose and insulin control blood glucose levels, which are dependent on food intake. In this study, the enzyme specificity and glucose concentration of sugar solutions would be estimated. In order to achieve this, an experiment involving the use of indicator strips and a two-fold serial dilution was performed. Furthermore, conclusions on blood glucose and serum insulin levels would also be discussed from a given data set.

Enzyme; Reactants products; Potassium iodide; Energy supplement; Food intake; Hormones; Pancreas.


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ISSN 2358-2731