Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 91-100 - Jun. 30, 2015
Comparative studies on phytochemical and proximate composition of four morphologically distinct segments of the conophor seedling (Tetracarpidium conophorum Hutch. & Dalziel)
K. O. Oyekale, O. I. Odutayo, E. B. Esan, K. O. Ogunwemimo, O. A. Denton and D. T. Bolaji
This work attempts to determine the bioactive agents’ groups probably responsible for the diverse growth characteristics and medicinal uses of Tetracarpidium conophorum Hutch. & Dalziel and to explore the global propagation of the climber plant. Consequently, four segments of the seedling namely: the dried epicotyls and foliage, the upper regenerative hypocotyl, the poorly regenerative swollen hypocotyl and the roots of the conophor seedlings were screened for ten bioactive compounds as well as their food values. Results showed that alkaloids and saponin concentrations were highest in the foliage. Terpene concentration was highest in the regenerative hypocotyl segment. Tannins, phenolic compounds and phlobatannin concentration were highest in the non-regenerative hypocotyl segment. Anthraquinone, cardiac glycoside and flavonoids concentrations were highest in the roots. Cardenolide concentration is generally low in all the segments of the conophor seedling studied. It can be inferred that the foliage can be used as an anti-venom agent based on its relatively high content of cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, saponins and phenols which are active substances responsible for detoxification of venoms in human system. There were also obvious variations in the amount of both bioactive agents and food content of the various segments of the conophor seedling. High proteins and terpene content of the regenerative hypocotyl segment are probably responsible for adventitious bud regeneration since terpenes are precursors of plant hormones.
Seedling, Bioactive agents, Hypocotyl, Adventitious buds, Tetracarpidium conophorum,
African walnut.
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