Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

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Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 39-50 - Jun. 30, 2015


Pharmacological effect of one icv dose of allopregnanolone in the female rat: behavioral profile

Laura Tatiana Pelegrina, Carla Escudero, Fernando Alfredo Giuliani, Sebastián Marcelo Manuel García, Ricardo Jorge Cabrera and Myriam Raquel Laconi

We have previously observed that intracerebroventricular allopregnanolone (ALLO) injection produced an anxiolytic effect and inhibited sexual receptivity when the test was performed in a separate manner. Also, ALLO reverts learning deficit in female rats in the hippocampi. To study the behavioral effects of an acute treatment with ALLO in the right lateral ventricle we used two approaches: a- A battery test to analyze the anxiety and mating behavior. And b- The avoidance test and novel object recognition test to evaluate its effect on memory and learning. Ovariectomized rats were injected with estrogen and progesterone. After it ALLO or vehicle were administered into the right lateral ventricle. To reach the objective (a) rats were put in a sequential battery test in the next order: 1-Open field. 2- Plus maze task. 3- Mating behavior. For the aim (b) it was performed a Novel Object Recognition Test and Step-down Inhibitory Avoidance Task. ALLO did not affect locomotors-exploratory behavior. Animals treated with ALLO, spent more time and had more entries into the open arm in a plus maze task and lordosis quotient was lower than in the control group. ALLO increased the latency in step down test and had no effects on discrimination index test in NORT. Here we demonstrated that one pharmacological dose of ALLO in ovariectomized primed rats is enough to generate all changes observed in the battery test. Moreover, the acute treatment with ALLO in lateral ventricle enhanced the memory acquisition in an avoidance task.

Allopregnanolone, Neurosteroids, Behavior, Female rat, Memory.

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