Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

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Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences requires submitting authors to provide an ORCID iD

Posted by Editorial Boarding, Mar. 29, 2016  •  Comments (0)    


March 29, 2016 (João Pessoa, PB; Brazil) - ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

OrcIDORCID provides a unique digital persistent identifier for all researchers that distinguishes from every other researcher and can be linked to their different research works and activities across multiple platforms. It also serves to distinguish authors with similar names and simplify searching of publications databases (such as PubMed, Scopus, etc.) to avoid retrieving articles by authors with similar names. Close to 1.8 million researchers have already created their ORCID iD. The service is non-profit and community driven. Get your unique ORCID identifier register now! Registration takes 30 seconds. Click here!

The Editorial Boarding of the Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731), will require the submitting author to provide an ORCID identifier as part of the manuscript submission process.






