Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 7, no. 16 (2020) Ashraf


Vol. 7, No. 16, p. 225-228 - Aug. 31, 2020


First report of foliicolous fungus Trichothecium roseum (Pers.) Link on sweet cherry Prunus avium L. from Kashmir Valley

Nadia Ashraf , Mohd Yaqub Bhat and Abdul Hamid Wani

Cherry Prunus avium L. is an important cash crop of Kashmir Valley. Cherry leaves are attacked by number of foliicolous fungi which in turn reduce yield of crop. Severe leaf spots were observed on cherry leaves in an orchard of District Baramulla of Kashmir Valley. These spots were similar to those caused by Blumeriella jaapii but smaller in size. Pathogenicity tests were conducted using detached leaf technique. Re-isolation of spores from inoculated leaves confirmed Trichothecium roseum as causative agent of purple leaf spot of cherry. This is the first report of Trichothecium roseum responsible for leaf spot of cherry in Kashmir Valley.

Cash crop; Cherry; Leaf spot; Yield; Foliicolous.


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ISSN 2358-2731