Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 6, no. 13 (2019) Gabriel


Vol. 6, No. 13, p. 313-329 - Aug. 31, 2019


Nutritional, haematinic and biosafety evaluation of Ipomoea batata (L.) Lam. (Solanales: Convolvulaceae) leaf extract on albino rats

Benjamin O. Gabriel and MacDonald Idu

This study evaluates the nutritional, Haematinic and biosafety of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Solanales: Convolvulaceae) aqueous leaf extract on albino rats. Proximate and mineral compositions were determined using standard methods. Haematinic activity of the plant was done using graded doses; 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride to induce anaemia. A modified method was used for acute and sub-acute toxicological evaluations. Results from the study showed that aqueous extracts of I. batatas had significant increase in RBC, HCT, Hgb, MCV, MCH and MCHC at 7.19±0.45, 46.13±0.08, 13.43±0.27, 82.40±0.92, 24.15±1.24 and 37.78±0.20, respectively, when compared with the control group. Acute study showed no pathological behaviour with absent mortality. Sub-acute study of the spleen, heart, liver and kidney showed a mild activation of local immune system. The extracts recorded 89.14% scavenging property compared with 94.3% ascobate in antioxidant study. Proximate analysis had 31.56% of moisture content, 16.25% of protein, 7.64% of ash, 0.37% of crude fibre, 0.19% of fat and 43.99% of carbohydrate. Investigation of calcium, magnesium, Iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc were 28.03, 339.61, 15.87, 4.61, 35.90, 4.21 and 0.08 mg/kg others were not detected. This may be due to stimulating mechanism of Myelo-Erythroid cell ratio in bone marrow or antioxidant effect. Result thus validates ethno-botanical uses of I. batatas for the treatment of anaemia.

Sweetpotato; Anaemia; Bone marrow; Peripheral blood smear; Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride.


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ISSN 2358-2731