Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 6, no. 12 (2019) Pedroza


Vol. 6, No. 12, p. 283-295 - Apr. 30, 2019


Birds and bats captured in a managed forest in Southwestern Brazilian Amazonia: Results and recommendations from a short-term study

Diego Pedroza , Rair de Sousa Verde and Edson Guilherme

Understanding the activity pattern and the height of capture of birds and bats can help to optimize the sampling of both groups. Our aimed was to determine the rates of capture at different times of day/night, and the overlap in the height of capture; classify the trophic guilds, and check variation in the capture rates of the birds and bats. We conducted the study in the Antimary State Forest, in March, 2017. We set mist-nets at the same location during five consecutive days, and were open between 06:00 h and 00:00 h. The birds presented a bimodal activity pattern, as well as bats. Bats were captured at higher levels than birds. Most of the birds captured were insectivores, where as most of the bats were frugivores. Neither group presented a clear pattern of variation in capture rates. Therefore, the first hours of the morning are fundamental for the capture of birds. For bats, we would recommend the captures only after 17:00 h. Mist-nets should be set at ground level for birds, whereas for bats, they should be set above a height of 0.5 m. Thus, the captures should be optimized.

Bird activity; Bat activity; Activity pattern; Capture efficiency; Short-term.


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