Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 6, no. 12 (2019) Motta


Vol. 6, No. 12, p. 17-25 - Apr. 30, 2019


Fatigue in Post-Polio Syndrome

Monalisa Pereira Motta , Abrahão Augusto Juveniano Quadros , Letícia Simões Ferreira and Acary Souza Bulle Oliveira

Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) is characterized by the appearance of new muscular symptoms or worsening of previous residual symptoms, several years after the acute polio. The most common symptoms include a trial of fatigue, deterioration in muscle strength and pain. Fatigue is one of the most frequent complaints of PPS and the majority of patients identify fatigue as their most troubling symptom. The aetiology of the symptom arouses great interest, mainly due to its multifactorial character, and can be divided into two components: peripheral (muscular) fatigue and central (general) or simultaneously-occurring fatigue. Considering the importance of the symptom and the limitations that can cause in PPS patients, it is important to consider a series of variables, so that it can be better understood, thus providing a more effective and specific treatment.

Post-Poliomyelitis Syndrome; Neuromuscular disorders; Fatigue; Central fatigue; Muscular fatigue.


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