Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 5, no. 9 (2018) Pereira


Vol. 5, No. 9, p. 85-93 - Apr. 30, 2018


Pyropia acanthophora var. brasiliensis E. C. Oliveira and Coll (Rhodophyta: Bangiales) cultivated in seawater under laboratory conditions favors the production of economically important secondary metabolites

Débora Tomazi Pereira , Elisa Poltronieri Filipin , Fernanda Ramlov , Marcelo Maraschin , Zenilda Laurita Bouzon and Carmen Simioni

Pyropia represents most domesticated seaweed in the world. Therefore, we aimed to determine if cultivation of the red macroalga Pyropia acanthophora E. C. Oliveira and Coll (Rhodophyta: Bangiales) under laboratory conditions would affect the presence and concentration of secondary metabolites. To accomplish this, experiments were performed with ambient sample and acclimated sample (laboratory conditions). The conditions of the culture room were as follows: 24 oC, salinity of 35‰, constant aeration, irradiance of 80 μmol.photons.m-2.s-1 and photoperiod of 12 h, for 7 days. Ambient sample showed lower concentrations of allophycocyanin and phycoerythrin when compared to the acclimated sample, but phycocyanin concentration was higher in the ambient sample. Carotenoids showed higher concentrations in the acclimated sample when compared to the ambient sample. Total phenolics were insignificant, while total flavonoids were higher in the ambient sample. No pattern in the production of these secondary metabolites could be identified. On the other hand, the acclimated samples showed a greater inhibition of the free radical DPPH, indicating a higher antioxidant activity. Acclimatization under laboratory conditions, in which P. acanthophora is submerged in seawater, favors the production of economically important secondary metabolites as a result of submersion stress and changes in cultivation patterns, such as irradiance and photoperiod.

Carotenoids; Flavonoids; Phenolics; Phycobiliproteins.


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