Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 5, no. 9 (2018) Barreto


Vol. 5, No. 9, p. 3-12 - Apr. 30, 2018


H-KaaS: A Knowledge-as-a-Service architecture for E-health

Renan G. Barreto , Lucas Aversari , Cecília Neta A. P. Gomes and Natasha C. Q. Lino

Due to the need to improve access to knowledge and the establishment of means for sharing and organizing data in the health area, this research proposes an architecture based on the paradigm of Knowledge-as-a-Service (KaaS). This can be used in the medical field and can offer centralized access to ontologies and other means of knowledge representation. In this paper, a detailed description of each part of the architecture and its implementation was made, highlighting its main features and interfaces. In addition, a communication protocol was specified and used between the knowledge consumer and the knowledge service provider. Thus, the development of this research contributed to the creation of a new architecture, called H-KaaS, which established itself as a platform capable of managing multiple data sources and knowledge models, centralizing access through an easily adaptable API.

Knowledge-as-a-service architecture; Health informatics; Knowledge representation.


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