Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 5, no. 11 (2018) Guevara


Vol. 5, No. 11, p. 765-772 - Dec. 31, 2018


Comparison of two ketamine/xylazine anesthesic protocols in pigs (Sus scrofa domestica)

Manuel Alejandro Guevara , Sofía Ana Lorenzo Acquaro , Marcos Giai and Pascual Angel Gargiulo

The pig (Sus scrofa domestica) is an animal used as an experimental model in surgical procedures. This makes the use of anaesthesia necessary. The present study constitutes a comparison between two different ketamine/xylazine concentration protocols. One protocol used ketamine 10% + xylazine 10% (high concentration), and the other ketamine 5% + xylazine 2% (low concentration). Concentrations were chosen since these are the most common presentations in the veterinary market. In the present experiments, twenty male and female pigs (Sus scrofa domestica; 20 kg each), were assigned into two different groups. The first one was integrated by pigs treated with high concentration protocol (n = 10), and the second one, composed by pigs that received low concentration protocol (n = 10). Parameters measured were the time in which the animals were placed in sternal decubitus, and the heart rate. The effects of these drugs were considered not only specifically in its sedative effects, but also in the respiratory system. Based on these results, we conclude that the first protocol showed better results than the second one. The time in which the animals were placed in sternal decubitus was lower in the first one (p < 0.001). Differences between the effects on the respiratory system (p = 0.37) and sedative effects (p = 0.87) were not significant, even when focusing on the last measurement, higher concentration protocol was twenty percent (20%) more effective than lower.

Ketamine; Xylazine; Sus scrofa domestica; Pig; Anaesthesia.


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