Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 5, no. 10 (2018) Amel


Vol. 5, No. 10, p. 537-548 - Aug. 31, 2018


Wheat agronomic parameters and water use efficiency under different bioclimatic stage in the North of Tunisia

Belhaj Mguidiche Amel , Douh Boutheina and Harbaoui Kalthoum

Improvement of water use efficiency (WUE) in wheat is important for almost all agricultural practices, so Water use efficiency (WUE), is the ratio of grain yield to crop water use, provides a simple means of assessing whether yield is limited by water supply or other factors. Limited precipitation restricts yield of wheat grown in Tunisia, so supplement irrigation will be paramount in Mediterranean agriculture in the future where wheat is a major crop. The present study was carried out in two stations of the Regional Filed Crop Research Center of Béja, Tunisia, in sub humid climatic stage and Oued Miliz in semi arid, in sub humid experiment was conducted rainfed whereas three irrigations levels were used in semi arid condition. The aim of this work was to study effect of biocliamtic stage and supplemental irrigation on yield and water use efficiency. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in biological water use efficiency between two climatic stages for all varieties; whereas in the same condition there no significant difference between varieties.

Bioclimatic stage; Water use efficiency; Supplemental irrigation.


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