Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 5, no. 10 (2018) Ogunrotimi


Vol. 5, No. 10, p. 481-487 - Aug. 31, 2018


Morpho-physiological response of Solanum macrocarpon L. seedlings to different light intensities

Damilola Grace Ogunrotimi and Joshua Kayode

Seedlings of Solanum macrocarpon L. were transplanted into experimental pots containing 3 kg soil and placed under different levels of solar radiation to investigate their response to light intensities. The growth parameters revealed that seedlings under direct sunlight performed better than the ones under shade of mesh net. The plants growing under the shade had stunted growth and were highly susceptible to leaf abscission compared to those under direct sunlight which produced healthy stem and sturdy leaves. This could suggest S. macrocarpon possess higher tolerance to solar radiation. However, seedlings of under direct sunlight produced higher leaf area, leaf number, plant height and stem diameter than those under shade. High leaf area is important for light interception to allow for photosynthesis. These findings revealed that Solanum macrocarpon grows optimally under direct sunlight.

Solanum macrocarpon; Growth; Light; Plant; Seedlings.


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