Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 3, no. 6 (2016) Mukherjee


Vol. 3, No. 6, p. 299-317 - Dec. 31, 2016


An ex situ and in vitro approach to delineate pennate diatom species with bioindicator potentials in a well mixed tropical estuarine ecosystem

Abhishek Mukherjee , Subhajit Das , Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Tarun Kumar De

An experiment was performed on selected pennate diatom species collected from the well mixed waters of the Hooghly Estuary with the aim of distinguishing the ones with qualities to be employed as monitors of their ecosystem. The Hooghly Estuary is enriched with domestic, sewage and agricultural effluents and coastal upwelling along with tide-mediated advective circulation from the mangrove forests ensure concomitant nutrient pool replenishment in this ecoregion. There have been several attempts to establish certain centric diatom species as bioindicators in various parts of the world owing to their better responsiveness to sudden shifts in stoichiometry but hardly any with pennate diatoms. Pennate diatoms are typical benthic mat formers in the intertidal regions, on submerged surfaces and thus bear greater feasibility to be employed as accurate pointers to long term deviations in their respective ecosystems, in spite of the greater sensitivity of the centric diatoms. The study was carried out in laboratory controlled environment to minimize the interference from other extrinsic factors compromising the outcome and also due to the fact that such studies to be performed in natural conditions require a decent financial support and time to conclusively arrive upon the objectives. From the present endeavour it was inferred that Nitzschia sigmoidea, Pleurosigma angulatum and Ulnaria oxyrhyncus (formerly Synedra ulna var. oxyrhyncus) stood a good chance of being recruited as bioindicators to eutrophic well mixed estuaries, similar to the one they had been sampled from.

Pennate; Diatoms; Hooghly Estuary; Well mixed estuary; Bioindicators.


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