Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2358-2731)

Home Archive v. 3, no. 5 (2016) Echi


Vol. 3, No. 5, p. 113-119 - Jun. 30, 2016


Differential size-biased parasitism between Polyacanthorhynchus nigerianus (nomen nudum) and Polyacanthorhynchus echiyensis (nomen nudum) (Acanthocephala: Polyacanthocephala)

Paul Chinedu Echi Sanil George and Suresh Kumar

Seasonal occurrence of acanthocephalans is replete with controversies stemmed from hosts' activities and environmental conditions etc. Ergo, recent mitochondrial DNA resolved two new cystacanths sequences in a parentenic host Polyacanthorhynchus nigerianus NG1 KC904074 and Polyacanthorhynchus echiyensis NG5 KC9040745 has necessitated the present study between wet and dry seasons. Though the trend of infection followed a similar pattern, NG5 had higher prevalence than NG1 with highest prevalence 5.3% in January. However, the trend changed from March-July when the occurrence of NG1 had relatively much lower monthly prevalence > 2.6%. Their differential body size NG5 994.61 + 110.07 mm and NG1 237.58 + 30.34 mm, respectively, resulted in a trade-off between their body sizes and numbers.

Abiotic factors; Body size; Mitochondrial DNA; Polyacanthohynchus; Thorny-headed worms; Seasonality; Synodontis batensoda.


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